说起雅思口语,绕不开的一个核心就是 paraphrase——改述。在评分标准中我们可以发现改述这项要求覆盖了从 4 分 -8 分的整个区间。对于改述分别提出了不同难度的要求。实际上,改述的使用更是涉及到了听说读写四项,例如听力的同义替换,本质上就借助改述来进行词性、动词、句型等替换。由此可见改述的重要性。
那么口语当中的 paraphrase 如何去定义呢?让我们看看 paraphrase 在剑桥词典中的意义:
"To repeat something written or spoken using different words, often in a humorous form or in a simpler and shorter from that makes the original meaning clearer"
---Cambridge dictionary
结合多年口语教学经验总结出了改述四部法,按照难度依次递进分别为 1. 同义词替换;2. 词性替换;3. 形容词的逆向表达;4. 句式转换。接下来分别为大家讲解每种改述技巧的实际操作。
1. 同义词替换
即用意义相同的同义词进行替换,这可能是难度较低的改述技巧了,相信绝大多数的学生都能够轻松掌握。熟悉雅思题目的同学会发现在 Part 1 & Part 3 中会大量出现一些类似的提问方式,如 Do you like...? Is it popular? Is it important? 题目中
出现的核心词如 like,popular,important 都是可以进行同义替换的对象。如:
like → fancy/be fond of/be obsessed with popular → celebrated/all the rage/the in thing important → significant/vital/big deal
下面我们通过一个问题来感受一下这种替换所带来的变化。E.g.:Do you like boats?
A: Yes, I like boats.
B: Absolutely, I'm obsessed with boats. I had a fancy for boats since I was a kid, because...
通过比较我们发现同义替换的效果立竿见影,A 同学的答案就非常的死板,缺乏情感。而 B 同学的答案就非常的鲜明,并且有层次感。所以在我们回答过程中,尽量避免使用题目中所出现的词汇,利用同义词进行替换,显现词汇多样性。与此同时,替换一些程度不同的同义词往往更能反映出个人的情感和态度,从而避免答案干涩苍白。
1. 改变词性
即把句中某一核心成分的词性进行转换,使得句子在结构上面发生变化。这种方法比起上面稍微增加了一些难度, 要求学生具有良好的语法基础才能灵活自如的运用。常用的词性转换有两种。① n. v. ② adj. n. 注意!这个过程是可逆的。
① 改述前:Punctuality is the mirror of one's credit.
改述后:Credit is mirrored by one's punctuality.
通过对比我们能够看到,mirror 同时具有名词和动词的意义,改述前作为名词出现构成所有格,而改述后作为动词出现构成了被动语态。从意义上与前句保持一致,但是句式上和词性上就显得更加灵活。类似这样的名词动用的词还有很多,在这里就不一一赘述了。
② 改述前:It's significant to be punctual.
改述后:Punctuality is considered as a big deal.
通过对比我们能看到 punctual 在前句中做形容词,属于一个很常规的表达方式。而经过词性转变后变为名词作为主语出现,体现了灵活的成分转换,正因为做了主语,后面的成分的变化选择也更多。
2. 形容词的逆向表达
distasteful → least favorite;normal → nothing out of ordinary;poor/bad → not as good as; Excellent/brilliant → not bad at all;old → passed the prime of one's age。那么我们还是通过两个例子来说明。
① 改述前:Science subjects are distasteful for me.
改述后:Science are my least favorite subjects.
② 改述前:Although she's old, her memory is still brilliant.
改述后:Although she's passed the prime of her age, her memory is not bad at all.
1. 句式转换
a. 改变词序
在句式转换法中,这是一个非常简单的操作,即将状语(状语从句)换位。Since I was bone, I have been living here.
→ I have been living here since I was born.
b. 主动变被动
I usually send assignments to my supervisor via E-mail.
→ Assignments are usually sent to my supervisor via E-mail.
c. There be+ 定语从句
We can learn much about our ancient culture from historical events.
→ There are some historical events from which we can learn much about our ancient culture.
d. 定语从句,分词,插入语替换
The new policy which is enacted by local government is carried out early this week.
→ The new policy, enacted by local government recently, is carried out early this week. ( 定从→分词)
Steve jobs, who is one of the most influential man in the world, left us with tremendous legacy.
→ Steve jobs, one of the most influential men in the world, left us with tremendous legacy. ( 定从
→插入语 )
相较于其他 3 种改述方式,句式转换最为多变,难度也很大规模。对于各种句式的使用以及句子成分的要求都很高。
以上 4 种句式转化方法是总结出来的,非常实用有效的改述方法。